Returns Exchanges


If for any reason clients are not satisfied with an order, the item(s) can be returned for a refund.

You can return any item for a refund, within 28 days of receiving your original order; please consider that it might take several working days for your return to reach our warehouse. Please make sure the parcel will arrive at our warehouse within the established time. Returns of the established time will not be accepted.

N.B. Customized products are not refundable. Please notify our customer service of your intention of returning the item(s) at contact us. We will provide you the required document for the customs clearance, otherwise the return will not be accepted.
Please retain a proof of postage until we have confirmed your refund has been processed.

The goods are your responsibility until they reach our warehouse, so make sure they're packed up properly and can't get damaged on the way, we also suggest that you use a postal service that insures you for the value of the items you are returning and obtain proof of posting.

Please note that all the return shipping costs are at the expense of the customer.

Our Returns Address is:

Heritage Handmade

As soon as we will receive your package and will check that the item is confirm with how it was shipped to you, we will confirm you by email that your return has been accepted, and we will proceed to refund the credit card with which the payment has been made, the original shipping charges will not be refunded.
(refund will be made within 30 days, or in line with the credit card policies)


At the moment we do not offer exchanges, we are sorry but we don’t have the processes in place to support it just yet. We’re happy to accept returns of unworn items with original tags attached within 28 days of the order date; please consider that it might take several working days for your return to reach our warehouse. Please make sure the parcel will arrive at our warehouse within the established time. Returns of the established time will not be accepted.
You’d then be able to place a new order.